The filterless anti-virus-System

For healthy indoor air without pathogense


Mobile Anti-Virus system

for Wall and Table

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Anti-virus retrofit system for installation in grid ceilings

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To the expert report

The AVAHLi®– system eliminates >99.9 % of germs and viruses in the ambient air.


of anti-viren-system

WITHOUT filters. No additional costs for change and disposal of hazardous waste.

WITHOUT maintenance, because filterless system. Over 30,000 hours of operation.

99.9% reduction of
Germ and virus load in the room air.

By comparison

Method of disinfection of room air

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Extra without filter, without running costs

AVAHLi® technology combats viruses and germs in the room air immediately – in just one pass.

  • Why no HEPA-filters?

    HEPA filters are very good in their protective effect. Nevertheless, they are not an option for us. HEPA filters must be replaced every 6 to 12 months. Otherwise, the filters become clogged and become a breeding ground for pathogens. Replaced HEPA filters must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

    This does not correspond to our understanding of longevity and freedom from maintenance.

Protection against germs, flu & Co.

We focus on longevity. All components of the AVAHLi® technology are subject to this claim.

  • Why longevity?

    Because longevity is also sustainable. 

    An example: most suppliers use UVC tubes for disinfection. They are cheaper, but their service life is limited – only 6,000 to 9,000 operating hours. Then they have to be replaced.

    This does not correspond to our understanding of longevity and freedom from maintenance.

Space-saving and minimalist 

AVAHLi® anti-virus systems can be easily integrated into the existing room structure. Large stand-alone devices that take up a lot of space are not required.

Pure Design
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